What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay happens when acids wear away the tooth’s hard surface layer, called enamel. These acids are made by a sticky film called plaque. Plaque has germs that feed on sugary foods. The process of digesting these sugars makes acids that attack tooth surfaces.

Over time, tooth decay can cause holes in the tooth surface. These are called cavities. If left untreated, cavities can get bigger. They can even destroy the tooth.

If you think you have a cavity, see your dental team.

Your dentist is likely to put in a filling. Fillings may stop the cavity from getting bigger. Acids constantly attack your tooth surfaces, but tooth decay doesn’t happen all at once. That’s because other elements in your mouth work to strengthen your teeth and stop the tooth decay process. One of these elements is saliva. Saliva has minerals that help strengthen tooth surfaces.

Fluoride, a natural mineral that is often added to water and found in toothpaste, also helps to make teeth stronger.

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Don’t eat a lot of sugary foods. Cut down on snacks between meals

This will help prevent plaque from making acid. It will also reduce the number of times your teeth are exposed to acids.

Eat a diet high in calcium

Calcium helps strengthen tooth surfaces.

Drink plenty of water, especially if you take certain medicines

Some medicines can decrease the amount of saliva your body makes. This may put you at greater risk for tooth decay.

Use a toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride

Fluoride helps make tooth surfaces harder and stronger.

Visit your dental team at least twice a year

They will clean your teeth and check for cavities.

Quick facts about tooth decay

  • Tooth decay happens when acids wear away the tooth’s hard surface layer.
  • Tooth decay can cause holes in your teeth. These are called cavities.
  • Tooth decay can be avoided by brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing between teeth.
  • Toothpastes and mouthwash with fluoride can also help strengthen teeth and help fight tooth decay.

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